Saturday, February 10, 2007

The World of Light with a lack of Sight

Sitting near the pleasant shore
hearing the gentle waves that roar
depressed eyes of the red hot ore
says that he can do no more.

Today's world is of quarrel and fight
with a benevolent nowhere in sight
oh Almighty can you light
this little world happy gay n bright

Prosperity is found only in one
the one who does good deeds only to none
aiming the life only with a gun
like in a land of setting sun

Oh fellowmen don't you realize
the real power that lies
in your hand n in ur thighs
that would transform this world
into a beauty of surprise!


brighteyes1978 said...

WOWOWOWOWOWWOW!!! That was an amazing piece. It left me wanting more....Please give us more.
You write beautifully. :)

Karthik said...
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Karthik said...

gr8 work buddy!!...its well structured.

Unknown said...


I think it was marvelous.

I cant imagine you write so well.

Keep the good work on man..

Pratik gandhi

Unknown said...

sunder mere dost bahut achi peom hai..
when are we getting the next poem.
keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

hey sundar
how have u transformed this world dude
tell me
have u or haven't u ???
if u haven't then u must be also a bad guy
what do u say
i have a doubt
those who have written the comments just read ur poetry and couldn't go into the topic or issue
i guess
ask them if they had read the lines instead of the english