Saturday, March 3, 2007

Souls of Despair!

Strolling through the ill-furnished lane
Peeping out from their broken pane
I see them suffer and moan in pain.
Rejoicing my merry I enjoy my fame
failing to quit this biased game

I see,I feel, I hear them cry
I urge my mercy, It gives no try
I run, I help, I scream,I shout!
In vain. Their souls have departed out!

There I see a cherubic child
Emotions and grief have filled her eyes
Spanning to her I kiss her cheeks
Her eyes were searching for just a feast

Reading this you laugh at me
Spitting your venomous concern you flee
With that scattered concern I get her a feast
but by now shes a devastating beast..

She was a soft, tender, impeccable bud
Now she eats and rips and sucks their blood
All I know shes not the same
And for us.......its such a SHAME!