Saturday, March 3, 2007

Souls of Despair!

Strolling through the ill-furnished lane
Peeping out from their broken pane
I see them suffer and moan in pain.
Rejoicing my merry I enjoy my fame
failing to quit this biased game

I see,I feel, I hear them cry
I urge my mercy, It gives no try
I run, I help, I scream,I shout!
In vain. Their souls have departed out!

There I see a cherubic child
Emotions and grief have filled her eyes
Spanning to her I kiss her cheeks
Her eyes were searching for just a feast

Reading this you laugh at me
Spitting your venomous concern you flee
With that scattered concern I get her a feast
but by now shes a devastating beast..

She was a soft, tender, impeccable bud
Now she eats and rips and sucks their blood
All I know shes not the same
And for us.......its such a SHAME!


ajit nafde said...

a lyrical triumph...!!

Neetal said...
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Unknown said...

very well versed buddy.....i knew this was coming from u...i would rather say i am bit surprised it came late.....i always knew that u had a poet in u....

kudos buddy.....those antophill days were u use to frame quick liners...overall the subject is good...hope we all can make a difference and pay a eye to these kids.

Karthik said...

its a breakthrough into ur world of poetry awe inspiring one

brighteyes1978 said...

I liked the poem...I read it a few times to really truly understand it ( and u explaining it to me helped also :)) keep writing...i am loving it.. U are a true lyrical genius.

Unknown said...

i don't understand poems so well but regarding this poem it has a deep meaning attached to it.
I never knew we had a great poet is our midst.
Great job sunder...keep it up!!!
waiting for the next blog.....

Shantesh said...

i gottta say it are fuckin good...amazing stuff dude..never knew you were sucha good poet..rock on !!

Anonymous said...

The last i remember reading a poem was in my tenth grade english text took me a while to get the meaning ..nice effort, i can see a budding Voltaire :-)

Unknown said...

hey sundar
i am sorry yaar
i haven't attended any german, chinese, spanish languages curses dude
so i have nothing to tell about the poem