Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mumbai Terrorized..again..

So after almost 18 months I post a blog.Yes, pretty much the blogshpere cannot 'escape' blogging the recent terror attacks in Mumbai

Mumbai bounces back.. Mumbai is resilient..The spirit of Mumbai prevails...You could add many more..

I think this very fantastic spirit has made the city immune to such terror attacks.Who is to blame? I've to sound cliche here- 'The Government'. But the reason is not the usual corruption or vote bank politics, its an outrageous lack of responsibility.

I've haven't done any research on the number of terror attacks in India but it appears to be obvious that anyone could get a feel that India has been a helpless victim of such attacks.

Lets structure this event-

Its believed that Pakistani Militants try to engage locals to terrorize and create unrest amongst Indians. The infamous ISI abets/helps/funds these organisations. As they say they don't carry a state tag and hence are every one's enemies.When there is an attack on India, the government 'Just Blames' the neighbours.

So far none of the politician had a foresight on how to tackle terror. The immediate argument that is born is 'Hey wait a min, do you even know the population density of India and that India cannot afford a world class state of art security system.' Well this very attitude of India should change. Every country learns from mistakes. But Indian politicians seem to be ignorant even after blunders. Not to forget the statement made by one of the state representative against NSG commando, Sandeep Unnikrishnan's family. I mean years and years of experience just make them so immature that they bluntly make such careless statements.

Its sad that India is only keen on convincing the US about the Pakistani involvement. May be enhancing the security could at least make the citizen feel better.Well all the intelligence group in India should be under one name to avoid "Negative Competition". We could rip off the intermediate cabinet Secretaries so that the chief of this consolidated agency reports directly to the PM and save time.Threats should be taken seriously. Police should carry more sophisticated weapons and atleast pretend that they can use it when required.India should invest money on training them.I make this statement after I saw one of the Policeman who was been asked to hold a gun so that he could shoo aways the terrorist but he rather chose to glee at it and also express shock and awe that he could actually hold it.

Now as far as the war on terror goes Pakistan would have understood that there might be a breach on its international borders and the world will act if Pakistan fails to. It appears that the international pressure might soon transpire into physical presence of international forces in Pakistan.

Well the world leaders know it but unfortunately no one knows their threshold!!