Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Mumbai Terrorized..again..

So after almost 18 months I post a blog.Yes, pretty much the blogshpere cannot 'escape' blogging the recent terror attacks in Mumbai

Mumbai bounces back.. Mumbai is resilient..The spirit of Mumbai prevails...You could add many more..

I think this very fantastic spirit has made the city immune to such terror attacks.Who is to blame? I've to sound cliche here- 'The Government'. But the reason is not the usual corruption or vote bank politics, its an outrageous lack of responsibility.

I've haven't done any research on the number of terror attacks in India but it appears to be obvious that anyone could get a feel that India has been a helpless victim of such attacks.

Lets structure this event-

Its believed that Pakistani Militants try to engage locals to terrorize and create unrest amongst Indians. The infamous ISI abets/helps/funds these organisations. As they say they don't carry a state tag and hence are every one's enemies.When there is an attack on India, the government 'Just Blames' the neighbours.

So far none of the politician had a foresight on how to tackle terror. The immediate argument that is born is 'Hey wait a min, do you even know the population density of India and that India cannot afford a world class state of art security system.' Well this very attitude of India should change. Every country learns from mistakes. But Indian politicians seem to be ignorant even after blunders. Not to forget the statement made by one of the state representative against NSG commando, Sandeep Unnikrishnan's family. I mean years and years of experience just make them so immature that they bluntly make such careless statements.

Its sad that India is only keen on convincing the US about the Pakistani involvement. May be enhancing the security could at least make the citizen feel better.Well all the intelligence group in India should be under one name to avoid "Negative Competition". We could rip off the intermediate cabinet Secretaries so that the chief of this consolidated agency reports directly to the PM and save time.Threats should be taken seriously. Police should carry more sophisticated weapons and atleast pretend that they can use it when required.India should invest money on training them.I make this statement after I saw one of the Policeman who was been asked to hold a gun so that he could shoo aways the terrorist but he rather chose to glee at it and also express shock and awe that he could actually hold it.

Now as far as the war on terror goes Pakistan would have understood that there might be a breach on its international borders and the world will act if Pakistan fails to. It appears that the international pressure might soon transpire into physical presence of international forces in Pakistan.

Well the world leaders know it but unfortunately no one knows their threshold!!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

President, A dent per se!

The latest 'Kaun banega Rashtapati' turmoil looks like the classic Mahabharat scene from the much acclaimed movie 'Jaane bhi Do Yaaro'!Pratibha Patil Shekhawat, Bhairon Singh Shekhawat or Dr.Abdul Kalam?At the end of the day its,'ye sab kya horaha hai'!

Well this is what I have observed!the last time when Dr.Abdul Kalam was elected as the President of India, there was no such sensationalism or what they call "The not quite libel" kinda attitude of the media. Again the media guys are doing a great job and theres no pun intended in that statement.With the kind of competition, its fair enough to say that the white papers are painted for yellow journalism and that it cant be avoided!But wait a minute...blame it all on the Media...?na!Very inappropriate.

Lets see!The Italian born Sonia Gandhi decides that Pranab Mukherjee(The wannabe Prime Minister of India) or Shivraj Patil(The home minister, now sent home) would be the nominees for the 2007 presidential election. It was obvious that the ever grumpy BJP(Buzurk Jeevith Party) had a chance to cry again!They desperately kept searching for their candidate.I heard Bhairon Singh Shekhawat was their candidate. But no Sushma Swaraj said that we would support Bhairon Singh Shekhawat but he should stand independently!(I had no idea of what she meant).The Left(In my opinion, the critics who bare no responsibility in Indian Politics) were waiting for someone to take a move.

Suddenly the UPA says guess what its Pratibha Patil.(I immediately googled to see who Pratibha Patil was).Shes the Governor of Rajasthan. So the Left who were waiting and didnt know when to strike said oh yeah its Pratibha Patil.Now Pratibha Patil( whose known to talk to ghosts and is now the probable President of India) also has a Shekhawat in her name.But then she also has a Patil in her last name.So Shiv Sena was all for Patil. In a rare event yet again, the BJP was frustrated and thought they were betrayed by the sons of the soil.The sena supremo also hinted that he wants Sharad Pawar as the Prime Minister.But rumour has it that Sharad Pawar wants to be the President of ICC. Holy cow! somebody stop my mind from where its gonna go next.Meanwhile UNPA(Underperformed national progressive allaiance) says, wait we have a new candidate and that's Dr.Abdul Kalam. Now am sure even Dr.Kalam was surprised and thought wow I didn't know even I was in the race. This reminds me of Shehanshah Akbar making an entry in the Mahabharat scene in 'Jane Bhi Do Yaaro'!

Well the depressing fact is that, its a shame that the presidential race is being made a mockery of! The politicians could at least pretend and not make it so blatantly conspicuous of what their motive is!The commander in Chief is the supreme power and lets respect it!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A Race of deceiving pace

Walking by the darker side
I see a beautiful emerging tide.
With the moon eying the unnoticed sight
Enticing the mother to display her pride.

A human having this claim to fame
A sense of six by far to acclaim
Tracking deep through its will and desire
I feel this race burning in a fire.

Witnessing and failing to abide by her sermon
They prove rather defend their claim
A recurring battle said to be forgone
with an end of an obvious entity to blame.

Pity and mercy is something you inject
Trust and faith is what you pretend to protect
Guilt makes u build this fragile peace
and theres someone again with a new weapon to unleash.

U dig hard to find where u hid the word help
Now u desperately rely on ur sense of six
A sense.. without a practical fix..
there u stand again.... deceived by her tricks!

Understand, realize else register!
relish the last few cherishable moments of "Mother Earth"
for ur race will not deserve its rapid glory
and then shall be buried as an untold story!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Mind your heart!!!

Lately there has been a zillion definitions for the word love. They say its blind, they say its deaf and yeah sometimes its dumb. The best feeling in the world have to be felt.-Helen Keller.They clearly define why love has to be blind, deaf and dumb. I have never understood the concept of break-off albeit I was myself a victim of this weird phenomena. The mind tells your heart to pump blood, used by the former to issue commands to the later. So in a break off ur mind wants to kill and the heart wants to save the relationship.To put it in a simple way ur heart wouldn't listen to ur mind!End result is frustration.But "Practicality" which I believe is the mind's mentor is pretty strong and eventually wins the battle, weakening the heart.

People wanted to be practical for various reasons.But the strong reason I believe is that, the practical mind has a solution for every bloody problem under or over the sun, while contrastingly the heart doesn't have a solution for even the smallest issue.In this competitive world "Most" of them wanna play it safe. cuz one failure would mean that they are out of the game.There can be this another new strategy of taking things as they come. trust on the orders of the mind's mentor and assume it has a solution for everything.your heart would get hypnotised to practicality, with the mind always encouraging this transition. This would probably be the case of an ideally ever happy human being.This would mean that he/she would be pretending to be happy when they are sad.

Trust! an impression probably once tarnished shall never ever be redesigned.This i believe is a rare event where the heart wins over the mind. No matter what practical reasons the mind gives, the heart declines to accept and that's how an impression is made in your mind.SO when u lose the trust u never repent on your decision. In this interesting phenomena one thing to be noted is that the mind gives way so that the incident no longer bothers your heart.Ur minds vents frustration which i think is understandable.So... except for heart, no one accepts defeat.

They say when your in love u win their heart. which means the mind takes the backseat.cuz love is that amazing phenomenon which dares to live in this competitive world challenging the very practical guru, The mind.ur first love shall always be in your mind but there are those rare privileged souls who "might" find love for the second time and for those who have been unlucky might never know the difference of mind and heart and become practical forever. and ! I am inclined for the heart.reason is simple. without mind ur a dumb person, without a heart ur dead. u make ur choice!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Souls of Despair!

Strolling through the ill-furnished lane
Peeping out from their broken pane
I see them suffer and moan in pain.
Rejoicing my merry I enjoy my fame
failing to quit this biased game

I see,I feel, I hear them cry
I urge my mercy, It gives no try
I run, I help, I scream,I shout!
In vain. Their souls have departed out!

There I see a cherubic child
Emotions and grief have filled her eyes
Spanning to her I kiss her cheeks
Her eyes were searching for just a feast

Reading this you laugh at me
Spitting your venomous concern you flee
With that scattered concern I get her a feast
but by now shes a devastating beast..

She was a soft, tender, impeccable bud
Now she eats and rips and sucks their blood
All I know shes not the same
And for us.......its such a SHAME!

Friday, February 23, 2007

India Shining!

Recently Indias perfomance in the global market has been pretty impressive! the Tatas buy corus!Reliance on the verge of creating a walmart in india, with the left closlely monitoring every move. FDIs just flooding Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu!Vilasrao Deshmukh "SEZ" it all.The GDP growin at an exponential rate, reaching 4 trillion dollars placing us at the 4th place!

Lately we have also gained the status of a powerful nation which was evident from the fact of Russia n China joining us for discussin economics n trade in New Delhi.Be it Iran or India, Vladimir Putin is all set to help the world with the nuclear plants for energy!With China aiming at rail routes in Nigeria and gaining some oil resources we definitely see an emerging asia.If India, Russia and China form something like the OPEC we could definitely put the US on the backseat and stop the Texas kings from their "crude" penertation into the Middle East!

But I think the light of India shinig has casted a very long shadow.What we fail to realize is that India is primarily an agricultural country with around half the population working on land. The new India shining ideology has impacted the farmers in almost all the states, especially the Vidarbha district towards the northeast of Maharashtra! The US subsidy of cotton has jeopardized the Indian farmers and made their produce worthless.Ironically the CM of Maharashtra is interested in FDIs n converting Mumbai into Shangai.

A record high number of 1200 farmers committed suicides in 2006.The Deputy CM RR Patil says- the illegal money lenders are to be blamed.The stats show that it was the government showin a lack of interest.Imgine the farmers killed themselves to gain compensation tat could be used to clear debts!Undisputedly deplorable!

Community Action for development(CAD) an NGO took the intiative to train the local gond tribes by implementing major watershed programmes. The tribes are now self reliant, open to criticism and self sufficient.After the pressure from the UPA President, Dr.manmohan Singh has released a relief package for the farmers.

Does it mean that it takes 10000 lives for the center to realize an issue? If the SEZ are introduced in Maharashtra the state should be courteous enough to susidize the farmers effort! The WTO agreement could be negotiated and duty on imported cotton can be increased. I hope Mr.Chindambaram allocates atleast 1% of GDP on agricultural research.

No more loan or credit for the farmers.Let them have the 3Is(Income,Insurance n Investment).If we are developing at the cost of farmers life,we would call it negligence!Lets have humanity towards the poeple who contribute 70% of India's income each year.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The World of Light with a lack of Sight

Sitting near the pleasant shore
hearing the gentle waves that roar
depressed eyes of the red hot ore
says that he can do no more.

Today's world is of quarrel and fight
with a benevolent nowhere in sight
oh Almighty can you light
this little world happy gay n bright

Prosperity is found only in one
the one who does good deeds only to none
aiming the life only with a gun
like in a land of setting sun

Oh fellowmen don't you realize
the real power that lies
in your hand n in ur thighs
that would transform this world
into a beauty of surprise!